792. Erdbeerfelder für immer

Playlist vom  18. Juni 2023

Doc Schoko: Beere der Erde (2:45)
(aus: schlecht dran - gut drauf (2009))

The Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever (4:11)
(aus: Magical Mystery Tour (1968))

Sonic Youth: Sympathy For The Strawberry (9:08)
(aus: Murray Street (2002))

Archie Bronson Outfit: Wild Strawberries (3:03)
(aus: Coconut (2010))

Animal Collective: Strawberry Jam (4:25)
(aus: Strawberry Jam (2007))

The Tiger Lillies: Strawberry Jam (1:57)
(aus: Death and the Bible (2004))

Butthole Surfers: Strawberry (4:09)
(aus: Independent Worm Saloon (1993))

Captain Sensible: Strawberry Dross (9:28)
(aus: Women and Captains First (1982))

Franz Ferdinand: Erdbeer Mund (2:36)
(aus: Fresh Strawberries (2014)) (3:21)

Locarno: Strawberry in your shoes (3:06)
(aus: SMS Love (2008))

Strawberry Alarm Clock: Strawberries Mean Love (2:57)
(aus: Incense And Peppermints (1967))

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